5 of the Best Hotels in Porto Côvo

We have handpicked what we consider to be some of the best hotels in Porto Côvo.

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Monte da Bemposta
Monte da Bemposta
Monte da Bemposta
Monte da Bemposta
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Visited by JO&SO

Monte da Bemposta

Monte da Bemposta is a farmhouse hotel nestled in the rural landscapes of Alentejo's coastline, offering a selection of ten unique houses and three studios with rustic yet minimal decor. There’s a shared swimming pool, bicycles, padel courts, friendly animals and ample space for picnics. Monte da Bemposta is located a short walk from the beach and the renowned Fishermen's Trail, Monte da Bemposta is a place to enjoy laid-back vibes and reconnect with nature.

Monte da Bemposta is a captivating Alentejo rural farmhouse hotel that combines rustic charm with coastal beauty.

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